Access is essential to make the lives of less able people as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
The Directors and staff at Safety Ramps Disabled Adaptations recognised this and developed a ramp access system that is unique in its design, its finish and its ease of installation.
From our initial site visit we will have a completed ramp installed on site within 2 weeks.
The Ramp/Construction is delivered totally fabricated in mild steel pre-coated and powder coated, ready for our expert installers to secure to either the ground or the dwelling, or both.
The whole construction is made from mild steel, then pre-coated and then powder coated to clients colour choice. The base has our unique black low impact, porous,anti-slip, no maintenance 12mm to 15mm rubber carpet fitted. Handrails with a top and middle section plus a 100mm kick plate to all open boundaries, also a white UPVC border is fitted as a vision aid.
An average installation time for a standard ramp is approximately 4 hours at which time it is ready to use.
If in the future the property has a change of use or our ramp is no longer required, it can be removed (free of charge) and returns to the original setup of the property with no mess or inconvenience, plus all the products/materials used in the manufacturing of the ramp can be recycled..The Safety Ramps group has recently joined forces with the building side of the industry, which gives us the facilities of a building and maintenance company. This enables us now to carry out any minor or major adaptations disabled or otherwise for our existing and new clients.